My books are available for purchase from the publisher by following the links listed below
Visualizing Affective Democracy: Learning Community in China and Taiwan through Images of Foreigners, (Journal Article), Asan Forum (2023): 1-27
Chinese visions of self and Other: the international politics of noses, (Journal article), International Affairs 99:5 (September 2023): 2079–2099.
Chinese Global Orders: Socialism, Tradition, and Nation in China–Russia Relations, (Journal article) Issues & Studies 59:3 (2023).
China’s Global Strategy as Science Fiction, (Think tank essay) LSE IDEAS: China Foresight: Strategic Update (January 2023)。
South Korean Middle Power Diplomacy Discourses in the Eyes of Sadae (Serving the Great), (Journal article with co-author Young Chul Cho), Issues & Studies 58:4 (2022).
Waibiao zhengzhi yu waijiao zhengzhi: Cong Tangdai dao dangdai [The International Politics of Physical Appearance: From the Tang Dynasty to Contemporary China], (Journal article), Quanqiu zhengzhi pinglun [Global Politics Review] No. 73 (2021): 31-40.
Sensible Politics: Visualizing International Relations (Book) New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.
Great Walls: Journeys from Ideology to Experience (Film, 28min), Journal of Narrative Politics 6:2 (Spring 2020)
Sensible Politics: Expanding from Visual IR to Multisensory Politics (Journal Article) E-International Relations (April 2)
Ai Weiwei and the Global Art of Politics (Book chapter, forthcoming) in Global East Asia, Frank N. Pieke and Koichi Iwabuchi, eds., Berkeley: University of California Press, forthcoming 2021.
Surpass (Book chapter) in Afterlives of Chinese Communism: Political Concepts from Mao to Xi, Ivan Franceschini, Nicholas Loubere, and Christian Sorace, eds., Canberra: ANU Press/London:Verso, 2019, pp. 275-279.
The Politics of Walls: Barriers, Flows, and the Sublime (Journal Article) Review of International Studies 44:3 (2018): 456-481.
Culture (Book chapter) in Visual Global Politics, Roland Bleiker, ed., London: Routledge, 2018, 81-87.
China Bound 1964 (Film, 8min), “China Channel,” Los Angeles Review of Books (May 10).
China’s Belt and Road Initiative and EU-China Relations (Book chapter) in China and Nordic Diplomacy, Bjørnar Sverdrup-Thygeson, Wrenn Yennie Lindgren and Marc Lanteigne, eds., London: Routledge, 2018, pp. 11-26.
Cultivating Power: Gardens in the Global Politics of Diplomacy, War and Peace (Journal Article) International Political Sociology 11:4 (2017):1-20.
Dreaming as a Critical Discourse of National Belonging: China Dream, American Dream, and World Dream (Journal Article) Nations and Nationalism 23:2 (2017): 248–270.
Visual International Politics (Book chapter) in A Connected Curriculum for Higher Education, Dilly Fung, ed, London: UCL Press, 2017, pp. 114-115.
China 2035: From the China Dream to the World Dream (Journal Article) Global Affairs 2:3 (2016): 247-58.
An American in Shanghai (Film, 22min) The China Story, ANU, (September).
China’s ‘Asia Dream’: BRI and the New Regional Order (Journal Article) Asian Journal of Comparative Politics 1:3 (2016): 226-243.
China Rising, 2000-2010 (Book chapter) Oxford Illustrated History of Modern China, Jeffrey Wasserstrom, ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 277-300.
History, Tradition and the China Dream: Socialist Modernization in the World of Great Harmony (Book chapter) in The Making of China’s Foreign Policy in the 21st Century: Historical Sources, Institutions/Players, and Perceptions of Power Relations, Suisheng Zhao, ed., New York: Routledge, 2016, pp. 23-41.
The Visual Turn in IR: Documentary Filmmaking as a Critical Method (Journal Article) Millennium 43:3 (2015): 891-910.
toilet adventures (Film, 15min), China and the World, ANU.
China Dreams: The Debate (TV program, 11min), KCET television station (Los Angeles, California), October 27).
History, Tradition and the China Dream: Socialist Modernization in the World of Great Harmony (Journal Article) special issue of the Journal of Contemporary China 24:96 (2015): 983-1001.
Identity and Security in China: The Negative Soft Power of the China Dream (Journal Article) Politics 35:3-4 (2015): 216-229.
Textualizing Cultures: Moving Beyond the MIT Controversy (Journal Article) Positions: Asia Critique 23:1 (2015): 131-144.
Citizen Ai: Warrior, Jester and Middleman (Journal Article) Journal of Asian Studies 73:4 (2014): 899-920.
The China Dream and the American Dream (Journal Article) Economic and Political Studies 2:1 (2014): 143-160.
Chinese Exceptionalism and the Politics of History (Book chapter) in Asian Thought on China’s Changing International Relations, Niv Horesh and Emilian Kavalski, eds., New York: Palgrave, 2014.
The Art of Politics (Book chapter) in Ai Weiwei: Living Art on the Edge, Hans Werner Holzwarth, ed., Berlin: Taschen, 2014, pp. 561-88.
China Dreams: 20 Visions of the Future, New York: Oxford University Press, 2013; paperback, 2015.
China Dreams: The Debate (Film, 11min), Asia Society (New York), (May 15).
China’s Harmonious World and Post-Western World Orders: Official and Citizen Intellectual Perspectives (Book chapter) in China Across the Divide: The Domestic and Global in Politics and Society, Rosemary Foot, ed., New York: Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 19-42.
Assessing Chinese National Identity: The Debate Inside China (Journal Article) Joint U.S.-Korea Academic Studies, vol. 24 (2013): 69-82.
Sino-speak: Chinese Exceptionalism and the Politics of History (Journal Article) Journal of Asian Studies 71:1 (2012): 33-55.
China’s Strategic Futures: Debating the Post-American World Order? (Journal Article) Asian Survey 52:4 (2012): 617-42.
China’s Futures and the World’s Future: An Introduction (Journal Article) China Information 26:3 (2012): 137-48.
Shanghai’s Alternative Futures: The World Expo, Citizen Intellectuals and China’s New Civil Society (Journal Article) China Information 26:3 (2012): 251-73.
China Orders the World: Normative Soft Power and Foreign Policy (Book, co-edited with Elena Barabantseva) Washington, DC: Wilson Center Press/Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011.
Introduction: Tradition, Modernity and Foreign Policy in China (Book chapter) in China Orders the World: Normative Soft Power and Foreign Policy, edited by William A. Callahan and Elena Barabantseva, Wilson Center Press/Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011, pp. 1-17.
Tianxia, Empire and the World: Chinese Visions of World Order for the 21st Century (Book chapter) in China Orders the World: Normative Soft Power and Foreign Policy, edited by William A. Callahan and Elena Barabantseva, Wilson Center Press/Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011, pp. 91-117.
Conclusion: World Harmony or Harmonizing the World? (Book chapter) in China Orders the World: Normative Soft Power and Foreign Policy, edited by William A. Callahan and Elena Barabantseva, Wilson Center Press/Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011, pp. 249-68.
The Discourse of Vote-Buying (Journal Article, in Thai) Fadieukan (Bangkok) 9:3 (2011): 98-120.
Ancient Chinese Power, Modern Chinese Thought (Journal Article, co-authored with Linsay Cunningham-Cross), Chinese Journal of International Politics 4:4 (2011): 349-374.
Chinese Visions of World Order: Tianxia, Empire and The World (Book chapter, in Chinese) in Tianxia tixi: Shijie zhidu zhexue daolun [The under-heaven system: The philosophy for the world institution], by Zhao Tingyang, Beijing: Zhongguo renmin daxue chubanshe, 2011, pp. 175-89.
How to Understand China: The Dangers and Opportunities of Being a Rising Power (Book chapter) in Contemporary China Studies – Politics, vol. 4, edited by Tak-Wing Ngo, London: Sage, 2011, pp. 277-92.
Institutions, Culture or Ethics? The Logic of Regionalism in Europe and East Asia (Book chapter) in New Regionalism, edited by Alexander Warleigh-Lack, Benjamin Rosamond and Nicolas Robinson, London: Routledge, 2011, pp. 97-115.
China: The Pessoptimist Nation (Book) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010; paperback 2011.
The Cartography of National Humiliation and the Emergence of China’s Geobody (Journal Article) Public Culture 21:1 (2009): 141-73.
Chinese Visions of World Order: Post-hegemonic or a New Hegemony? (Journal Article) International Studies Review 10 (2008): 749-61.
Chinese Visions of World Order: Tianxia, Empire and The World (Journal Article, in Chinese) Shijie jingji yu zhengzhi [World Economics and Politics], (Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), No. 10 (2008): 49-56.
Future imperfect: The European Union’s encounter with China (and the United States) (Book chapter) in Managing the China Challenge: Global Perspectives, edited by Quansheng Zhao and Guoli Liu, New York: Routledge, 2008, pp. 131-150.
Trauma and Community: The Visual Politics of Chinese Identity in Sino-Japanese Relations (Journal Article) Theory & Event 10:4 (2007).
Future Imperfect: The European Union’s Encounter with China (and the United States) (Journal Article) Journal of Strategic Studies 30:4-5 (2007): 777-807.
Comparative Regionalism: The Logic of Governance in Europe and East Asia (Book chapter) in The International Politics of EU-China Relations, edited by David Kerr and Liu Fei, Oxford University Press, 2007, pp 231-58.
Remembering the Future: Utopia, Empire and Harmony in 21st century International Theory (Book chapter) in Twentieth Century International Relations, vol. VIII, edited by Michael Cox, London: Sage, 2007.
Cultural Governance and Resistance in Pacific Asia (Book) London: Routledge, 2006.
War, Shame, and Time: Pastoral Identity Politics in England and America (Journal Article) International Studies Quarterly 50:2 (2006): 395-419.
History, Identity, and Security: Producing and Consuming Nationalism in China (Journal Article) Critical Asian Studies 38:2 (2006): 179-208.
Beyond Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism: Diasporic Chinese and Neo-nationalism in Thailand and China (Book chapter) in The Chinese Overseas: Routledge Library of Modern China, edited by Hong Liu, London: Routledge, 2006, pp. 212-50.
Institutions or Ethics? The Logic of Regionalism in Europe and East Asia (Book chapter, in Chinese) Guoji guanxi yu rentong zhengzhi [International Relations and the Politics of Identity], edited by He Peiqun and Yu Yixuan (Shanghai: Shishi chubanshe, 2006): 48-79.
Forum on the Rise of China (Editor, special section of five articles by Arthur Waldron, Shuan Breslin, Chih-yu Shih, Daojiong Zha, and William A. Callahan) Review of International Studies 31:4 (2005): 701-85.
The Limits of Chinese Nationalism (Editor, 14:42-43 special section) Journal of Contemporary China (Jan.-May 2005) seven articles, pp. 1-66, 247-316.
Social Capital and Corruption: The Politics of Reform in Thailand (Journal Article) Perspectives on Politics 3:3 (2005): 495-508.
How to Understand China: The Dangers and Opportunities of Being a Great Power (Journal Article) Review of International Studies 31:4 (special section on “Forum on the Rise of China”), (2005): 701-14.
The Limits of Chinese Nationalism: “China Threat Theory” and Identity Construction (Journal Article, in Chinese) Shijie jingji yu zhengzhi [World Economics and Politics], (Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), No. 11 (2005) pp. 35-41.
Nationalism, Civilization, and Transnational Relations: The Discourse of Greater China (Journal Article) Journal of Contemporary China 14:43 (special section on “The Limits of Chinese Nationalism”), (2005): 269-89.
The Discourse of Vote-Buying and Political Reform in Thailand (Journal Article) Pacific Affairs 78:1 (special issue on “Communication and Democracy in Asia”), (2005): 95-113.
“Introduction: China, Ltd. (Journal Article) Journal of Contemporary China 14:42 (special section on “The Limits of Chinese Nationalism”), (2005): 1-10.
Contingent States: Greater China and Transnational Relations (Book) Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2004.
National Insecurities: Humiliation, Salvation and Chinese Nationalism (Journal Article) Alternatives 29:2 (special section “National Insecurities”), (2004): 199-218.
National Insecurities (Editor, special section) Alternatives 29:2 (2004): 199-238.
Remembering the Future: Utopia, Empire and Harmony in 21st century International Theory (Journal Article) European Journal of International Relations 10:4 (2004): 569-601.
Nationalizing International Theory: Race, Class and the English School (Journal Article) Global Society 18:4 (2004): 305-323.
“The Next Big Idea: Great Harmony in Chinese Foreign Policy” (Journal Article, in Chinese) Guoji wenti luntan [International Review] (Shanghai) No. 36 (2004): 33-43.
“Nationalizing International Theory: The Emergence of the “English School” and “IR Theory with Chinese Characteristics” (Journal Article, in Chinese) Shijie jingji yu zhengzhi [World Economics and Politics], (Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), No. 6 (2004): 49-54.
Diasporic Tycoons, Outlaw States and Beijing Bastards: the Contingent Politics of Greater China (Journal Article) East Asia: an International Quarterly 21:1 (2004): 61-70.
Beyond Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism: Diasporic Chinese and Neo-nationalism in Thailand and China (Journal Article) International Organization 57:3 (2003): 481-517.
Confucian Harmonizing: Utopia, Dystopia and Heterotopia in Chinese Thought (Journal Article) The Journal of Comparative Asian Development 2:2 (2003): 233-58.
Comparing the Discourse of Popular Politics in Korea and China: From Civil Society to Social Movements (Book chapter) in Political Change in East Asia, Vol. II, edited by Peter W. Preston, Ashgate Publishers, 2003, pp. 129-74.
Gender, Democracy and Representation: Asian Revolutionary Images (Book chapter) in Gendering “The International” edited by Louiza Odysseos & Hakan Seckinelgin, Palgrave, 2002, pp. 140-73.
Comparing the Discourse of Popular Politics in Korea and China: From Civil Society to Social Movements (Book chapter) in Korean Politics: Striving for Democracy and Unification, Anthology of Korean Studies, Volume II, Elizabeth, New Jersey/Seoul: Hollym Publishers, 2002, pp. 283-322.
China and the Globalization of IR Theory (Journal Article) Journal of Contemporary China 10:26 (2001): 75-88.
International Studies in the 21st Century: Civilization, Ethics and Transnational Relations (Journal Article, in Thai) Journal of Social Sciences (Bangkok) 32:2 (2001): 233-274.
Pollwatching, Elections and Civil Society in Southeast Asia (Book) Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate, 2000.
Civilization and Transnational Relations: a Constructivist analysis of Chinese foreign policy and identity (Journal Article, in Chinese) Shijie jingji yu zhengzhi [World Economics and Politics], (Beijing: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), No. 12 (2000): 76-80.
Political Corruption in Southeast Asia (Book chapter) in Party Finance and Political Corruption, edited by Robert Williams, London: Macmillan, 2000, pp. 163-98.
Visions of Gender and Democracy: Revolutionary Photo Albums in Asia (Journal Article) Millennium: Journal of International Studies 27:4 (1999): 1031-60.
Negotiating Cultural Boundaries: Confucianism and trans/national identity in Korea (Journal Article) Cultural Values 3:3 (1999): 22-47.
Imagining Democracy: Reading the Events of May in Thailand (Book) Singapore and London: Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, 1998.
The Ideology of Miss Thailand in National, Consumerist and Transnational Space (Journal Article) Alternatives 23:1 (1998): 29-62.
Comparing the Discourse of Popular Politics in Korea and China: From Civil Society to Social Movements (Journal Article) Korea Journal 39:1 (1998): 277-322.
Critical Theory and Laughter in Korea (Book chapter) in Habermas and the Korean Critical Theory Debate, edited by Han Sangjin, Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 1998, pp. 445-71.
Cook Ding’s Life on the Whetstone: Contingency, Action and Inertia in the Zhuang zi (Book chapter) in Wandering at Ease in the Zhuangzi, edited by Roger T. Ames, SUNY Press, 1998, pp. 175-95.
Challenging the Order: Social Movements (Book chapter) in Governance in the Asia Pacific, edited by Richard Maidment, Jerermy Mitchell and David Goldblatt, London: Routledge, 1998, pp. 150-71.
Harmony or Hegemony in Greater China (Book chapter) Contemporary Political Studies, Vol. 1, edited by Jeffrey Stanyer and Gerry Stoker, Nottingham: PSA, 1997, 118-124.
Vote-buying in the Thai Northeast: the July 1995 general election (Journal Article, co-authored with Duncan McCargo) Asian Survey 36:4 (1996): 376-392.
Rescripting East/West Relations, Rethinking Asian Democracy (Journal Article) Pacifica Review 8:1 (1996): 1-25.
The Unprincipled Prince: Machiavelli in the Postmodern Age (Journal Article, in Thai) Social Science Review (Bangkok) 30:3 (1996): 121-128.
Confucianism\democracy (Book chapter) in Democratization and Regional Cooperation in Asia, edited by Rah Jong-Yil, Seoul, South Korea: Asia-Pacific Peace Press, 1996, pp. 113-164
Chemical Weapons Disposal in the South Pacific (Journal Article, co-authored with Steve Olive) boundary 2 “Special Issue: Asia/Pacific as Space of Cultural Production,” 22:1 (1995) pp. 263-285.
Non-governmental Organizations, Non-violent Action and Post-modern Politics in Thailand (Journal Article) Sojourn: Social Issues in Southeast Asia 10:1 (1995): 1-27.
Religion and Politics: Sulak Style (Book chapter) in Modern Thai Monarchy and Cultural Politics, edited by David Streckfuss, Bangkok: Santi Pracha Dhamma Institute, 1996, pp. 46-47.
Chemical Weapons Disposal in the South Pacific (Book chapter, co-authored with Steve Olive) in Asia/Pacific as Space of Cultural Production, edited by Rob Wilson and Arif Dirlik, London: Duke University Press, 1995, pp. 57-79.
Imagining the Demos in the Demos: Mob Discourse in Thai Politics (Journal Article) Alternatives 19:3 (1994): 339-370.
Astrology, Video, and the Democratic Spirit: Reading the Symbolic Politics of Thailand (Journal Article) Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 9:1 (1994):102-134.
Black May, NGOs and Post-State Politics (Journal Article) Social Science Journal (Bangkok) 29:2 (1994).
Reflections of Middle Class Identity in the Sedan Mob Mirror (Journal Article) Social Science Review (Bangkok) 17:1 (1994): 67-78.
Resisting the Norm: Ironic Images of Marx and Confucius (Journal Article) Philosophy East and West 44:2 (1994): 279-302.
Comm-fucian-ism: Ju Dou in the Cultural Politics of China (Book chapter) in Gender and Culture in Film and Literature East and West: Issues of Perception and Interpretation, edited by Nitaya Masavisut, George Simpson, and Larry E. Smith, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1994, pp.157-179.
Gender, Ideology, Nation: Judou in the Cultural Politics of China (Journal Article) East-West Film Journal 7:1 (1993): 52-80.
Discourse and Perspective in Daoism: A Linguistic Interpretation of Ziran (Journal Article) Philosophy East and West 39:2 (1989): 171-190.